Monday, March 2, 2020

Boiling points, chromatography, and Crystals

Science was canceled a few times because of sickness or family week, or whatever, but we did do some.

One week we learned about freezing and boiling points. We saw how adding ingredients (like salt) to water affected the freezing and boiling points. We also made "instant ice" which didn't work with the little kid class because my water wasn't cold enough at that point-blah. At least it worked with the olders.

Next class we learned about chromatography. We also did "walking water" as part of this, but as I was doing it, I kind of realized it wasn't chromatography, because instead of separating mixtures, we were putting things together, but oh well.

We also learned about crystals!!! We made borax crystals, sugar rock candy crystals and eggshell geodes. We also broke open some real crystal geodes.

Of course, the borax and sugar won't be ready for some time (actually, at this moment, the borax has been finished.)  It ended up being A LOT of work for yours truly after the kids had gone: making super saturated solutions and containers with dangling crystal starters to make crystals in.

Honestly, I'm a little scared my sugar crystals won't work. I have the best recipe, but I didn't follow it because my pots were too full, and couldn't fit any more sugar, so I'm worried it doesn't have enough sugar.