Sunday, March 7, 2021



Alberta is letting homeschool co-ops get together as long as they are in a facility with insurance. I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I'm pretty sure the Alternate School counts, so we got permission to do science there! 

It turned out some more kids came, because it was "sanctioned" by the government, and moms who want to make sure they are following all the rules weren't sure about my at-home science, but now they're back, and it's so good to see them!

We skipped learning about mammals for now, because I thought it would be more impactful to learn about all the systems of the body before we dissect a foetal pig. One girl was so hilarious when I told them my plan of putting the dissection on hold, she said "Wait, can we please make bacon from the pig?"

LOL too bad there's a ton of chemicals in my prepared specimens!

Maybe in the coming weeks we'll have fresh specimens. I've asked a local butcher to help us, and he's helped us in the past, so I'm hopeful.

This week we learned about the skeletal system. We talked about the strength and structure of bones, the joints of bones, and we spent a long time on the spine.

We actually made an edible model of the spine which was the highlight, and it all worked out pretty good!

(The balloons are the heads connected to the spines.)

It was soooo good to get together.

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