Sunday, April 11, 2021

Nervous, digestive, and excretory systems

 We did the nervous system. That week we had nothing to dissect. I will never forget four years ago when we had a brain! Since we didn't have a real brain, we made "brain hats." I found them HERE. They took a bit longer to make than I thought, and we had already done some things to test out memory, reflexes, and reaction times, so the littles didn't get their hats done.

The next week, we talked about the digestive system. The butchers said that there was NO way that we would want a stomach, intestines, or gallbladder. In fact, he said he had a gallbladder explode on him before.....yeah, Ill pass. But we DID get a HUGE liver and a pancreas. 

We cut up the liver and put it in hydrogen peroxide to show how the liver transforms the hydrogen peroxide in your body into oxygen and water. It worked really well.

We also talked about how long your digestive system is. We used a hose to mark it all off. (Thus this post being called "Blood GUTS and a Cold War rant.)

We included teeth as part of the digestive system (instead of bones) and talked about how to keep good care of them. As part of this, I gave them all "disclosing tablets." Only my kids took them during class, and it was a big hit.

Next week we talked about the excretory system and skin. They both excrete liquids, so they go together, right?

We dissected a kidney. Honestly, the more I learn about the body, the more I appreciate it.

We also did a lot of skin things. Specifically about sweat.

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